"The Raspberry Pi has been out for six years and three months and we can finally say that the perfect on/off switch add-on for it has now been created." - Rob Zwetsloot , Features Editor, MagPi Issue 70
Previously named Raspberry Pi Switch HAT during the successful Kickstarter Campaign , this is a huge improvements over our Hackable Pi Switch with Kodi support, optional display, LED, Infrared control and i2c ports.
Hackable Pi Switch Cap Features
Original Features:
New Features for Pi Switch Cap:
Generic Remote | Multimedia Remote (Kodi Supported) |
Optional Display & Weather Pack turns your Pi into a Weather Station in minutes
e-zone Magazine (Issue 1085): "試聽〈High Life〉丶〈Stuffy〉〈Barbados〉等樂曲,整體音色遠較預期好,中音、低音均「實淨」丶不「薄聲」,鼓聲節奏分明,小號、色士風等銅樂器音色亦不刺耳。最有驚喜是Double Bass , 低音「力水夠」"..."DAC Pro 2在頻率響項,數據最接近0, 反映音訊非常綫 (Linear)• 低頻、高頻的偏差幅度極少,音訊還原力出色。"
Michelangelo Guarise (Founder & CEO of Volumio): "the most convenient Volumio complete player" ..."surely be the ultimate ready-to-play and user friendly Audiophile Music player."
MagPi Issue 66 (5 out of 5 rating): "These buttons and screen are one of the most interesting parts of this solution, allowing you to use the Pi and the DAC together as an all-in-one music player "..."It’s a really neat little package, and it still outputs the great-quality sound"
This is the best low price, amazing Hi Fi product that I've ever seen. The sound quality wins most of the small hi fi system in the market.
Nanomesher is a Hi-Fi audio components maker specialising in Raspberry Pi. We gained our reputation from more than 1200 backers via numerous successfully funded and delivered Kickstarter projects.
We are the maker of the very popular NanoSound DAC & Power Switches for Raspberry Pi